Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Lizards and Snakes: Alive!

Lizards & Snakes: Alive! Oh my! Squamates, land animals with scales such as lizards and snakes are often thought to comprise a small if not insignificant portion of the animal kingdom. With its live specimens, interactive stations and visual displays offering keen insights, this exhibit will have you thinking again.

Curated by The American Museum of Natural History in collaboration with The San Diego Natural History Museum, Snakes & Lizards: Alive! places on display sixty live examples ranging from the colorful to the camouflaged and from the venomous to the docile. These live animals are from the Amazon, the Caribbean, the Galápagos, Africa, Mexico and the United States. Also included in the exhibit are fossil specimens that help show the evolution of squamates and identify contributions made by some species to medical research. This is a great educational experience for children and adults alike.