Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Year of Magical Thinking

The Year of Magical Thinking, from Joan Didion’s best-selling memoir, is scheduled to open at The Booth Theater in March, 2007.

This one woman play starring Vanessa Redgrave is an autobiographical account of one woman's bereavement over the death of her husband of many years and shortly thereafter the death of her daughter.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Things to do in NYC: The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building was Built during the Depression, the building was the center of a competition between Walter Chrysler (Chrysler Corp.) and John Jakob Raskob (creator of General Motors) to see who could build the tallest building. The building's history is full of oddities and marvelous accomplishments that still intrigue the world.

In 1945 at the end of World War II, an Army Air Corps B-25 twin-engine bomber plane crashed into the 79th floor of the building in dense fog; from 1931 - present, the building acted as an "Ambassador to New York" to many of the world's renowned political and entertainment figures.

Construction commenced March 17, 1930. Framework rose at a rate of 4.5 stories per week. The Empire State Building is 102 stories high, has 6,500 windows, 73 Elevators including six freight elevators, operating at speeds from 600 to 1,400 feet per minute (It is possible to ride from lobby to 80th floor in 45 seconds). The building is designed to serve as a lightning rod for the surrounding area - it is struck by lightning about 100 times per year.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Les Miserables

Open at the Broadhurst Theatre on November 9, 2006 as part of a world-wide anniversary tour. Victor Hugo’s immortal tale of 19th century France amidst an infamous revolution that forever changed society thrilled packed theaters throughout the world.

This stage spectacular, musical adaptation has showcased countless musical talents male and female, young and mature. This fall, in an encore presentation, Broadway audiences will once again witness this beloved production.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2007

Every February Madison Square Garden becomes the focus for all dog lovers. This 131 year sporting tradition is one of the oldest in America - second only to the Kentucky Derby. Approximately 165 breeds compete in this prestigious event for best in breed and ultimately for best in show. Tickets are available through TicketMaster or at the box office.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Collector's Corner: Antiques Shows in New York

January is high season for the antiques industry in New York City. A group of the best and largest antique shows take place here over a matter of just a few weeks.

Whether you are a long time collector, a novice or simply enjoy browsing through the broad range of offerings, this is a key time for you to be in New York City.

Antique shows scheduled for this January include:

Winter Antiques Show
7th Regiment Armory
January 19-28, 2007
(718) 292-7392

Americana & Antiques at The Piers

Passenger Ships Terminal
January 20-21
(212) 255-0020

Antiques at the Armory
69th Regiment Armory
January 19-21, 2007
(212) 255-0020